Friday, June 10, 2011

So here I am, weeks after wanting to start this blog and nothing has really changed. My weight this morning is 207.4, which isn't a real big change. I had tried to start the whole "diet challenge" during Memorial Day weekend, which was the worst idea... EVER.

First off it's my dad's birthday weekend, which means I get all sad and moody and eat crap. I know, bad habit (emotional eating) but for my dad it's just gotta be that way. He was a BBQ lover and I always eat something BBQ related around his birthday.

Secondly, Memorial Day Weekend at PC is always ALWAYS craaaazy busy. Try exercising 6 days in a row when you work at a place where you are walking (er, more like RUNNING) around for 10+ hours straight each day (most of those days without lunches). You end up waaayyyy too tired and way too sore to exercise. Point is, I worked over 106 hours during the last two weeks of May and finding time to exercise in there (let alone breathe) was pretty hard.

Today is June 10th. I've had a cup of coffee so far today (with fat free creamer I might add) and nothing yet to eat. I think I'm going to start the day off with a Jamba Juice smoothie (frozen packs from costco), which isn't bad! I'm seriously lacking motivation this morning though, in terms of exercising. Between the housework and the laundry (oh and keeping DS and DD happy and entertained) I'm out of juice. Keep your fingers crossed that I find the time and energy to dance my chunky ass around the house to burn some calories.

Smoothie time! And maybe even some exercise time afterward. Decisions, decisions. I just wanted to post (in case anyone is reading... hello, are you out there?) and show that I'm alive, I'm still fat, and that I'm still trying. J's been doing some crazy leangains plan (starve.. I mean fast... for hours, then uber protein and few carbs, then more starving) and he has lost some weight. He's also lifting and has promised to show me how to lift (just the bar). I will be a savage beast by the end of summer I swear! hahaha oh god, the visual is too much.