Friday, August 12, 2016

The journey now

I've been writing this blog post in my head for weeks now. I just couldn't figure out how to start it and where I wanted to go with it. I didn't want it to come across this way or that way, worried about who I would bother with my sadness or my fitness stuff. But you know, no matter what you can't make everyone happy and its best just to be YOU and BE HAPPY. So that's why I'm writing this, to get it out there and maybe help inspire others. Because honestly INSPIRING and HELPING others is my passion and what I want in life.

Lets go back to the beginning of the year.

In January of this year I found out I was pregnant. After much debate and worry Vince and I had decided we wanted to add to our family, as crazy as it sounded. We just wanted a piece of US in the world.

I knew having a baby would be hard, especially because last time I was pregnant I gained nearly 100# with each pregnancy. I had just fought to take 100# off of my frame and wanted to stay as healthy as possible. This pregnancy was challenging. Aside from taking care of 3 children and all the furr children, I was just bone tired. I was often falling asleep on the couch while spending time with the children. Family DR WHO night became mommy passed out and poor Vince putting everyone to bed alone. I was wiped out! Because of how tired I was I started to pack on pounds pretty quickly. I ate when I was tired and I ate whatever I wanted to and could stomach.

Despite the growing pregnancy symptoms, and endless positive tests, after many doctors appointments we found out that the pregnancy was not advancing and that I was having a slow miscarriage. Devastated, we knew there was nothing we could do but move forward.

The first week of February 2016 I was around 8 weeks pregnant. I was about to take pills that day that would cause me to bleed and expel the life that was growing inside of me. Sounds harsh and maybe a little gross, but its exactly how I viewed it. But with this loss, something new inside me was stirred. A new motivation to be healthier and better than I had been. To make 2016 a year of more fitness and fun and health. This exact day I signed up for my first FREE fit camp through Herbalife. I got a few lovely friends to sign up with me as well, which was the most amazing support for me at this time and for what I was going through.

I will be FOREVER grateful for what the fit camp gave to me emotionally and physically.

These photos were taken the day of my miscarriage. I was nearly 170#, which is up quite a bit from my goal weight of 153#. I was not happy with my body, not happy with the weight I gained so quickly, and was ready to make a difference.

The paper shows my results from just 4 weeks of workouts and changing up my nutrition. I drank the shakes once a day after fitcamp, quick and easy dinner. I'm still drinking them :)

Fast forward to now! I'm currently sitting at 149# on average and 26% body fat (down from 36.8%!) and continuing to drop. I eat MORE than 1800 calories a day on average and workout 4-5 times a week depending on how I'm feeling. I don't starve myself for health, I don't kill myself doing workouts to be fit. I live a flexible and happy lifestyle full of carbs, tacos, and froyo with the kids.

I started creating workouts for friends. I made fitness plans for friends and family. My mother in law and sister in law have both lost inches all over their bodies in just the 3-4 weeks they have been working on the plans I created for them. I am SO PROUD. It feels so good to help people!

I passed my ISSA Certified Personal Trainer certificate program and then gained an additional certificate in Fitness Nutrition. I have considered working at various bootcamps/gyms in the area but nothing has quite fit my personality and needs.

Recently I went to the beach with my sister, mother, husband, and stepson. I ran around and did head stands and cartwheels. I played around in ways I hadn't since I was a kid. Getting healthy gave me my life back. I had energy and motivation, I could have fun. I couldn't remember the last time I felt that good.

The whole point is that
I WANT to help you. I want to help your friends, your family, your coworkers. I want to help anyone that wants help getting in shape and gaining their lives back. I am offering my services as a personal trainer for $50/month for plans created just for them. We will discuss what kind of plan we need to create, we will touch base throughout the month, keep track of progress, and change up the plan as needed. I just want to help more people!

While its taken me years to be okay with any photograph of myself, I have to say that now I see so much happiness in my face. I see health. I see a person who can do anything.

I want everyone to feel that way.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for listening to my story. I feel like I didn't quite get it out the way I wanted to but it's as good as I can make it right now.

Love to all of my friends and family that have supported me so much along the way. Please share with others in hopes they can rise from a not great place and find their piece of happy.

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