Saturday, April 27, 2013

Not quite cleansing yet

Today was a good day.

The kids and I walked around the mall. We played video games. We ate good meals. I enjoy the space in which I live. It was just a really really good day.

That being said its partially because I haven't started the cleanse yet.

Now wait, it isn't because I am not going to. I am just the queen of not quite thinking things through and realized that if I start the cleanse this weekend, a lot of food (produce mainly) will be going bad in my fridge. I don't have my kids after tomorrow, so all the perishable goods would be going to waste. Therefore I will eat, and try to be mindful of my eating, and once I am able and not wasting food I will start the cleanse. Just figured I would lay that out there.

Also decided to spend a little of my tax money on myself, which is both difficult and wonderful. I'm not one to splurge much (ask about the $12 lotion that took me months to finally buy).
But today I decided I needed the following: 
1 luxury item: new plugs for my ears
1 needed item: new pair of shoes (my chucks need to be chucked)
1 somewhat needed item: a haircut

And smoothies for all of us. I felt less stress today that I have in a while. I enjoyed my kids company while shopping. Everyone behaved (for the most part). There were zero meltdowns by any of us. And I even had the guy at Hot Topic say that 1984 was a good vintage (meaning my birth year). I guess I'm not that old after all. That and he was a 1984 vintage as well.

So here's to today. The sun is still shining, time to soak it up.

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