Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm really gonna do it this time

Why hello, it has been quite a long while since I've blogged about anything! And now I'm promising to blog regularly. Blog about boring stuff like what I'm eating, how grumpy I am because I'm not eating In n Out burger (oooh animal fries, how I love thee) and how much I'm exercising (or supposed to be exercising). I had an eye opening experience yesterday and it has made me understand that damn it, something has just gotta give.

I was at my children's pediatric office and waiting in the exam room for dearest daughter to have her PE before starting school. On the back of the exam room door is a full length mirror. And to my absolute horror it showed me EVERY LITTLE EXPANDED INCH of my body. I sat there staring at myself before getting up and refusing to sit again. I saw how my stomach stuck out like an innertube around my body, how my arms stuck out from my body. I saw how huge my head looked (LOL, maybe I cant help this one, it is genetic you know). And btw, this is not me picking myself apart. This is pointing out the cold hard facts of how my body actually looks! Good god, I don't like it! I understand the whole "be happy with yourself" and "love yourself for how you are now" motto. I love myself. I am wonderful. I get it, I really do. I know that inside I am downright fantastic, but outside I have some work to do.

So here it is. Here is my promise to blog for 6 weeks straight. I know I will be the only one really reading this but at least its down where the world could see it if they wanted to. I'm starting my Slim-in-6 workout videos again today and damn it I am gonna stick to it. I'm also going to blog about everything that I eat, even if I'm falling off the health wagon and manage to escape to an In n Out somewhere. I'm gonna write it down whether or not I fail or succeed. It's a journey. It's not going to be perfect, but I'm going to try.

Starting with today:
I've had 2 cups of coffee (with half and half and splenda) and a banana. It's only 10am. I will expand more tonight after I've eaten more meals, dealt with grumpy kids (including a first time trip to the eye doctor for dearest daughter), and hopefully managed to get my exercise in before bedtime.

Good luck to me, young happy fat girl. Time for a big change! Lets see what 6 weeks will bring! Ooh, and I'm going to post my BEFORE picture today (I cant believe I'm doing this, I just cant believe it) so watch out! Lets keep our fingers (toes, eyes, etc) crossed and hope that in 6 weeks the AFTER picture looks like a rockin' hard-bodied (haha, hard body me?) goddess!

Ready, GO!

I forgot to post my stats. Now other than the weight, these are old stats (from May 4th) and honestly I doubt I've changed much (inch wise) since then. Here goes:
wt: 208.6
Chest: 38"
Waist: 37.5"
R Bicep: 16.25"
L Bicep: 16"
R Thigh: 27.5"
L Thigh: 27"
Neck: 16.5"

And I'll try to get on the whole BEFORE picture. But for now just look at my FB pics, haha.

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